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(Video) Michelle vs. Melania: Imitation Is The Biggest Form Of Flattery...

Call me crazy but I never thought Donald Trump running for President of the United States was a good idea. I understand that millions of Americans are tired of the status quo politicians and political lifers and so am I but if the first day of the GOP convention is any indicator of what Trump's presidency is going to look like I'm scared.

First there was the public fight between the Trump campaign and the Republic National Committee that luckily for Donald Trump ended with a failed roll call vote.

Then there was last night...

Melania Trump, the wife of "The Donald" took center stage at the GOP convention to give a speech that now has the Trump campaign doing damage control for what appears to be a case of plagiarism on the behalf of Mrs. Trump or her speech writer.

How ironic is it that Trump's speech contained passages (some almost word for word) from a speech Michelle Obama gave at the Democratic convention eight years ago?

Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort says the issue was "totally blown out of proportion."

Here are the excerpts from both speeches via

Better yet watch these clips Michelle Obama's speech versus Melania Trump.

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